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French Guiana

Please find brief statistics concerning the digital map of the country and its major cities.

Promo price: just $1000 for the map of any city!

If you are interested in purchasing a map, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us the way you prefer:

All the maps are supplied with the Standard or Premium set of layers

Name of mapping layer Standard Premium
Regions: Countries, Districts, Cities, Buildings, BUA, Vegetation, Hydrography, and etc.
Polylines: Road Network, Hydrography, Railroad ways
Points: City Center, Address, Railroad stations, Road Network Nodes
Geographical Names, Administrative Divisions, , Infrastructure objects
All signs and navigational maneuvers for road network, POI, Business Listing
Type, Class, Speed, Pavement of Road, Transport, Lane Connections, Entry Points
Relief & Building's Height, 3D Models of Buildings & Facilities

We will supply map data in any format you choose according to the requirements of your project.

Source formats we keep and process the maps in are ArcGis, MapInfo, MapPolish (mp).

Short country statistics
DataSet Coverage, sq km Routing Length, km Routing Nodes Routing Segments Routing Labeled Segments Routing Restrictions Buildings Buildings Heights Addresses POI
French Guiana 91735 5510 18796 22526 3213 189 0 0 22301 169

Live screenshots from our Dataset

Short statistics for most important cities with detailed coverage
Name English Name Local Addresses Buildings Streets Routing Length, km Area, sq km
Cayenne Cayenne 8077 0 612 388 35
Kourou Kourou 3167 0 272 101 5
Remire-Montjoly Remire-Montjoly 2687 0 251 114 9
Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni 1374 0 131 44 3
Sinnamary Sinnamary 606 0 41 19 1
Matoury Matoury 423 0 51 44 4
Mana Mana 370 0 34 115 14
Iracoubo Iracoubo 274 0 26 9 1
Saint-Georges Saint-Georges 189 0 31 14 1
Macouria Macouria 171 0 32 13 1
Maripasoula Maripasoula 110 0 16 8 0
Awala-Yalimapo Awala-Yalimapo 57 0 7 13 1
Apatou Apatou 15 0 17 8 1
Roura Roura 9 0 19 6 0
Régina Régina 7 0 13 5 0
Camopi Camopi 0 0 0 3 0
Grand-Santi Grand-Santi 0 0 0 2 0
Ouanary Ouanary 0 0 0 1 0
Saint-Élie Saint-Élie 0 0 0 2 0
Papaichton Papaichton 0 0 0 7 0

phone: +380 44 221-61-20
mail: skv@transnavi.com